Hurricane Retrofit

The insurance companies look at the Wind Mitigation inspections as a way to determine the risk to your home in event of a hurricane. While the current industry standard is to meet the 2001 Florida Building Code, many homes pre-date 2001. However, that does not mean that you cannot obtain significant discounts on your insurance.

Many Florida home and property insurance policies allow for what is known as ‘roof-to-wall connection’ discounts, these are mitigation discounts for correct installation of hurricane straps or hurricane clips. The Wind Mitigation Inspection will indicate if you already qualify for this discount, or highlight minor retrofits may bring you in line for some major savings.

Third-Nail Mitigation

Properly installed hurricane straps and clips can gain you substantial savings on insurance premiums. Ensure proper placement and installation, using a third nail, we can add the necessary protection to your home as well as the reports required for your insurance providers.

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Based on a mitigation report, our team of professionals can work with you in immediately applying some of the desired retrofits. This will not only protect your home and family, but can also bring you significant savings through available discounts.